• Verse of the Day “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Chr... 2 Timothy 1:9

15 October 2009

Usage Tips

This post is for tips and tricks regarding the practicalities of contributing to an on-line bible study.

Remember that you should start a new post to start a new topic, but place a comment to add to an existing topic.


  1. I have added a "Subscribe via Email" gadget to the right hand sidebar. If you enter your email address here, you will be sent a daily notification on days during which a new post is submitted.

  2. I have noticed that it is not possible to edit comments once they have been submitted. To change a comment, you have to delete it and submit the corrected version as a new comment. You may want to write comments using a word processor and then copy them into here only once you are sure they are correct.

    I have realised that I should have set up a forum for this, rather than using a blog, but I've done it this way now, so we can see how it goes for a while. If it is too troublesome, I'll look at changing to a forum.

  3. Remember to add labels whenever you create a new post. This will help later whenever someone wants to search through all the posts relating to a certain topic. When appropriate, try to reuse labels that have been used in other posts.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have written this little Perl script that takes a passage copied from BibleGateway.com and formats it into nice HTML that can be used for putting scriptures into new posts. The script runs on Cygwin; I'm sure it'd have to be slightly modified for other operating systems. To use it, run it with no parameters, then paste the text copied from BibleGateway.com into the terminal window. Send an end-of-file character to denote the end of the passage (type <ctrl>-d at the start of a new line). The HTML code will be automatically placed in Window's clipboard, so you can just paste that into the blog's editor. Type <ctrl>-c to stop the script.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -wl

    # format_bible_verse.pl
    # Warwick Allen, 21 Feb 2010
    # Formats text copied from BibleGateway.com into HTML
    # suitable for pasting into a blog post.

    print STDERR "Paste quote then type <enter> followed".
    " by <ctrl>+d.";
    $url = 'http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=';
    $, = "\n";
    undef $/;
    while (1) {
    $_ = <STDIN>;
    defined or next;
    @_ = split /(?:\r?\n){2}/s;
    ($psg,$ver) = $_[0] =~ /(.*?)(\s+\(.*\))/;
    $_ = $psg; s/\ /%20/g;
    $_[0] = qq{<a href="$url$_">$psg</a>$ver};
    $_ = join '<br />', map {/[\d\.\?;]/?$_:"<i>$_</i>"}
    grep {defined and /\S/} @_[1..@_];
    s|<sup>(\d+)</sup>(?=<br />)|$1|gs;
    open CLIPBOARD, '>/dev/clipboard';
    print CLIPBOARD
    "\t\t\t$psg $ver",
    "<b>$_[0]</b><br />$_",
    close CLIPBOARD;
    print STDERR "HTML sent to clipboard.";
